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There are many ways to sell your property and we are experts at designing the best solution based on your particular circumstance. Using any of the methods listed here we can avoid broker fees which can help make a deal happen by keeping that money in the deal instead of a third party pulling out their cut. In most cases, we are able to structure a deal to fit any situation.
Sale Type
Cash Sale
Bank Financed
Owner Financed
Benefits to you
Fastest Sale – Done in as little as 3 days
Higher Price – We can pay more with a bank
Highest Price – We sometimes pay over asking. You can continue to get a monthly income and likely better returns on the cash you would typically get on the cash from a bank-financed or cash sale
Subject to current mortgage remaining in place
Thi sale type works if you have little or no equity in your property. Maybe you are facing foreclosure, need repairs or, have deferred maintenance. If this is the case we can help using the “Subject To” method.
Master Lease Agreement
This is a very flexible option. There can be a future negotiated price along with continued monthly cash flow. You will still be able to take depreciation, while you avoid the capital gains tax and depreciation recapture required in a traditional sale. This is a fast, low-cost, low-risk transaction that can be phased in over properties or time. It can even be done on a trial basis to confirm we like to work together and it is a good fit.